February 1, 2022
Statistics, Information and the General Feeling of “More” (the Voice)…
In February of 2022, there isn’t a shortage of metrics that tell us who is Healthy and who is not.
I would make a strong case that before the Pandemic that this was true, but its clear today, via every media outlet, that “Health’ is foremost on peoples’ radar.
Let’s leave the debate to the exact parameters of Health to a different day, and instead direct our attention to the Concept of Wellness and Your Longevity…
Wellness is an actively sought State of Being, a Lifestyle with Intentions that provides Value on a variety of Levels, most commonly Physical (and spreading aggressively from there).
There is little argument that Wellness is Positive, yields many benefits, and is associated with Longevity (Long Life)…
My question to you, is What Are You Doing About It?
Before you get defensive, this isn’t an Ad for our Business, meant to Shame You, or a Guilt Trip.
In fact, I’m genuinely interested as What You are Doing, and potentially Why You aren’t Doing More?
The Statistics, for Covid, for Heart Disease, for Cancer, for damn near everything Hospital Related clearly indicate that “Health” -our IPF Working Definition = Exercise, Nutrition, and Sleep- makes a Massive Difference in Outcomes. Massive.
The Numbers that come directly from Medicine are powerful.
What the Medical Community is seeing, treating and reporting back is overwhelming in terms of Data. Those “Less Healthy” are in the Hospital more frequently, for Longer Durations, and Result in Death in Greater Numbers.
Those “More Healthy” (as seen in Hospitals) are seen less frequently, with Shorter Stays, and Live Longer Lives.
Remember, this is what Hospitals are Recording based on What they See…
Those Numbers don’t include the Healthier Population that doesn’t visit the Hospital with regularity.
That’s where Information plays a larger role. Information is typically more revealing than Statistics, fills the void when Studies can’t/won’t be performed, and is much more about the Bigger Picture or Current Movement than the exact Data.
Clearly, Information is less accurate, can have Heavy Bias, and reflect Opinion (based on the nature of collection), but it has tremendous Value when applied correctly.
With all of that said, the Information is also clear: Health, particularly Exercise, is necessary for Quality + Quantity of Life.
Nobody is arguing that Physical Activity, improved Food Choices and ~8hrs of Sleep doesn’t directly apply to Better Health or Longevity. Nobody.
Finally, if you want to ignore Statistics (Watching the News or Reading Medical Journals can be tough), of you want to dismiss Information (“That doesn’t apply to me”/”That Works There, it would Never Work Here”, etc) that may work, but there is still that Voice in Your Head…
You know the Voice, some call it Conscience, others call it Reason, but I think it’s the Collective of our Hope, Fears, Past and Future Self, and its Loud.
That Voice takes different Tones, Tactics and Times to get our Attention. Its Powerful, Effective, and Guides Us when we shut-out the rest of the world.
What does that Voice tell us, when its telling us we are Tired, Sore, Happy, Strong, etc?
Its Message is Clear.
That we are capable of “More”…
That we can do + deserve “More”…
That there is “More” out there for us, and we need to go get it…
Some call it your Brain, others label it your “Gut’, but ones things for sure, we tend to Listen to our Inner Voice.
Your Voice has probably told you that Your Health is Important.
It has probably called you to action in many ways regarding your Health, be it How You Look, Feel or are able to Accomplish Every Day…
I’m not about to tell you what your Voice is saying, but we both know that you have had internal conversations about Health…
Where does that Leave Us?
Statistics? Powerfully pushing that Health is Necessary for Survival + Longevity…
Information? Impressively confirming that those that Move + Act to Improve their Health are Better for It…
Your Voice? Consistently Identifying Situations where you Want, Need and are Capable of “More” as it pertains to Health and its extension into Your Everyday Life…
So Why Aren’t You Taking Meaningful Action that Results in Change?
Read it again.
“Change” being an Improvement of Your Current State.
It actually doesn’t take much to Build on Where You Are.
Change doesn’t always Need more Time (What gets your Time Get Better)
It doesn’t always Need more Information (What You have is Enough)
It doesn’t always Need major Modifications (Slight Alterations make Huge Differences)
But it does need You to Act.
And that is important to Know even if you don’t like the Stats, trust the Info or ignore your Voice.
You Need to Take Action…
The Need to Take it Now.
We can Talk “How” or “Why” whenever You Want, and it certainly doesn’t have to be with “Us” (at the Institute > we would Love to Help, but there are many other options that can facilitate Success), but the “Now” is non-Negotiable.
Create a Splash with major Revisions or small ripples with tiny Adjustments, but Do It Now…
Create Momentum with an Internal Pledge, a Commitment to Someone or Something, or Be the Best Example for Others, as your “Why” can vary, but your Timing Cannot, Do It Now…
Change the Voice, heed the Statistics and Learn from the Information, but Do It Now…
What will it Take for You to Take Action and Be Better?
Do It Now…